Starting with creating a website or a webpage is a confusing task. You have thousands of ideas in your mind which needs to be filtered down to just one. In this article, I will tell about web designing and provide 10 simple steps to design a webpage.
And this is when you have to show your best skills and make them impactful. With plenty of visual graphics, communicable design, detailed information, and a user-friendly UX/UI – the webpage involves a lot of thought behind its designing.
Web designing in 10 simple steps
You cannot think of a website that only meets your ideas and does not appeal to visitors. With the right techniques and designs in place, the web page can be designed with ideals that help create good traffic on the web too. Designing a website today isn’t as difficult as it seems. Here are 10 simple steps to design a webpage on your own!
- Selecting a domain
Long before you start with a website you have to decide on what domain name you are going to use. This is an important decision to be made as the domain name shall become an identity of you on the internet for everything you create on the website.
This URL shall remain permanent to all the activities you do on the website and your visitors will recognize you by this name only.
Think about a name that resonates the ideas/products/services etc that you are going to share with the audience through the web pages. It has to be creative, unique and perfect to express your thoughts behind the brand.
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- Register the domain name
After you are done choosing a domain name for yourself and checked its availability on the web, its time to make a purchase.
A lot of registering services sell the webpage based on yearly programs, 3-year plans and more in costs as low of $10. You can opt for the domain name in the format of “”, “”, “”, etc and opt for the form of organization that you are running. Registering a domain name gets easier when you are buying from a web hosting service partner who makes it easy to connect to the hosting service too.
- Choosing hosting service
After registering your website and the URL address is now on your name, its time to host it on the web. Tons of web hosting services partners help you host the website on the web, devise a customer support system, offer a lot of free space, and assist with the speed and traffic space.
- Connecting domain name to the hosting service
If you have chosen a web hosting service that provides for a domain name and hosting service both, it’s best to skip this step. But if you have a separate domain name provider and web hosting service you will have to connect the domain name to the web hosting service.
Contact the web host server and ask for your DNS and add to the domain name registrar account. For this, you can contact your domain name registrar and ask them to connect the domain name to the web hosting service.
- Install WordPress
This is where your website demands personalization. Install a Content Management System that is popular for managing, customizing and building up a website.
WordPress is a great option for bloggers and self-run businesses to operate a website. This is the leader in providing cost-friendly plug-ins, themes, tools, font and more.
- Add a theme
A theme of the website is the outlay that is visible to the audience and makes the website usage desirable. The theme contributes to designing the web pages in a universal design that works throughout the website. It must be responsive and mobile-friendly. Depending upon the idea that your website is working on, choose the best theme.
- Personalize your website
A theme just sets the mood of the website and an immediate outlay. Your website is also defined by the fonts that you choose, the colour of the website, framing, etc. And for this, a while dashboard is dedicated to personalization!
You can work on different segments of your website appearance and customize it as per your requirements. You can easily personalize your webpage by using various plugins.
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- Add plug-ins
The use of websites is highly influenced by the plugins used. If it is a commercial website one might need a cart system, payment gateway, social media spaces, etc. These are all connected with the help of plug-ins. The plug-ins automate the website in a lot of aspects making it a wholesome experience to operate and work for the audience as well.
- Start posting content
Just when the plug-ins have been connected, the website is ready to add content. You can start posting content on the ready pages like Home, contact, etc. The pages like the About Us, Blog, etc make the website interactive with the users.
When you post new content the website starts growing with the number of web pages. This is the most important part of web designing.
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Create web pages
In web designing, web pages form a part of the website. These come together to make for the website altogether. As and when you keep adding new content to the website in the form of blog posts, Home Page, Products, Services, or other information new and new web pages are created. These web pages with new keywords and SEO techniques can appeal to the masses and generate traffic too.
Creating a web page can be as simple as putting together chosen features of websites on a CMS! Follow these simple steps to make creative web pages that make your website attractive!
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