What Is NCC Certificate

Juliet D'cruz

What Is NCC Certificate?

Are you curious to know what is NCC certificate? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about NCC certificate in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is NCC certificate?

What Is NCC Certificate?

The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a youth organization in India that aims to develop the qualities of character, courage, discipline, and leadership among young people. The NCC offers various training programs and awards certificates to cadets who successfully complete them. In this blog post, we will explore the NCC certificate in more detail, including its types, eligibility, and benefits.

Types Of NCC Certificates

The NCC offers several types of certificates to cadets who successfully complete various training programs. Some of the popular NCC certificates are:

  • A” Certificate: This certificate is awarded to cadets who have completed one year of training in the NCC.
  • B” Certificate: This certificate is awarded to cadets who have completed two years of training in the NCC.
  • C” Certificate: This certificate is awarded to cadets who have completed three years of training in the NCC and have passed the NCC examination.

Eligibility For NCC Certificates

To be eligible for NCC certificates, a cadet must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Be a citizen of India.
  • Be between the ages of 13 and 26 years.
  • Be enrolled as a cadet in the NCC.
  • Attend at least 75% of the training periods held during the academic year.
  • Pass the NCC examination.

Benefits Of NCC Certificates

The NCC certificate offers several benefits to cadets, such as:

  • Preference in government jobs: Cadets who hold NCC certificates are given preference in government jobs, especially in the defense services.
  • Weightage in higher education: NCC certificate holders are given weightage in admissions to higher education courses, such as engineering, medicine, and law.
  • Leadership and teamwork skills: NCC training helps in developing leadership and teamwork skills, which are highly valued in all aspects of life.
  • Personal development: NCC training helps in the overall personal development of cadets by instilling discipline, self-confidence, and a sense of responsibility.


In conclusion, the NCC certificate is an important recognition for cadets who successfully complete the NCC training program. It offers several benefits, such as preference in government jobs, weightage in higher education, and personal development. Therefore, young people should consider enrolling in the NCC and aim to obtain NCC certificates to enhance their personal and professional growth.


How Can I Get NCC Certificate?

  1. The cadet must be in possession of Certificate B.
  2. The cadet must be in the third year of Senior Division/Senior Wing NCC Training.
  3. The cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of the periods of 3rd year syllabus during the academic session.

Who Is Eligible For NCC?

Eligibility Conditions

Citizen of India or a subject of Nepal. Bearing good moral character. Enrolled in an educational institution. Meets the prescribed medical standards.

What Are The Levels Of The NCC Certificate?

Three certificates are awarded: ‘A’ grade, ‘B’ grade, and ‘C’ grade. The best grade is A, which has the highest value. A cadet has to obtain 45% marks in each paper & 50% marks in the aggregate to pass the examination. Grading is based on total marks obtained will be awarded as follows.

Is The NCC Certificate Compulsory?

The National Cadets Corps came into existence under the National Cadet Corps Act XXXI of 1948 (passed in April, 1948; came into existence on 16th July, 1948). What is the nature of the NCC Programme, whether compulsory or voluntary? Voluntary.


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