Decorative Wall Mirror & Wall Art Designs for Living Room

Albert Howard

Decorative Wall Mirror & Wall Art Designs for Living Room

A very popular saying, ‘ even walls have ears’ can be true and that’s why we treat them special. A decorative wall feature is one of the appealing things when it comes to talking about decorating a space.

Be it a living room or a bedroom, home decor items when placed at the right spot mark a piece of appreciation. And one of the most important features of the home decor items is wall decor. Decorative wall art includes numerous features such as mirrors, wall hangings, murals, paintings and so on. 

Decorative Wall mirror for Living Room
The wall mirror as the name suggests can be placed opposite a space that one wishes to highlight. Traditionally, wall mirrors came in square or rectangle shapes. But, it’s not the same anymore. Round and oval mirrors have a chic factor and create a vocabulary of their own. However, one needs to be very careful while placing the wall mirror for the living room and wall mirror for the bedroom. Both the living room and bedroom have different functionalities. Hence, the decorative wall mirror design should be in sync with the ambience. 

Wall Art decor for Living Room
The murals and art paintings resemble sophistication and your persona too. The mark of regal transitions, paintings are renowned for filling an empty wall, thus, making it look more expensive. Murals are the new fantasy. Wall murals are profound as a significance for wall art decor

To do this, one has to keep in mind the following things:

  • The walls have to be subtle 
  • The colour palette should match the wall art decor
  • The framing should gel with the product
  • It should make the apartment look spacious
  • There should be enough lighting or it will make it look dull

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Freedom Tree offers a wide range of wall mirrors and wall art decor including the stepwell wall mirror, dome wall mirror, arch wall mirror and many such decor pieces which you would want to own. The ‘Eye on you’ wall mirror by Freedom Tree is one of the most sought after and unique mirrors surrounded by glamorous eye leashes and a dramatic focus. 

The other type of decorative wall mirror is mehrab wall mirror which is a distinctive ensemble carefully crafted and re-purposed from doors. A wall decor cannot be complete without a teak wood frame and that’s why there is a specially collated long wall mirror with teak wood adding a touch of elegance and class.

The nuances of decorating a home are many. It is to your discretion what and how you choose. In the era of digital technology, there are numerous wall art online to enhance the  beauty of your space.

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